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Preparation Gives You the Will To Win

31 May

How hard you’ve worked at preparation gives you the will to win.

Bobby Knight

The Desert Tests All Men

31 May

The desert tests all men.  It challenges every step and kills those who become distracted.

–The Alchemist, from The Alchemist

You Absorb the Thoughts of the People You Associate With

31 May

Thought being unseen substance is absorbed by all.  If you absorb another person’s thought, it mingles with your own, then in part, if not in whole, you will think that person’s thought.  You will, to some extent, see, feel, judge, and form opinion as does that person.  You are to greater or lesser extent swayed or influenced by the person.  His or her thought, or spirit, has mingled with yours.  You are not then wholly yourself, you are in part, that other person…

–Prentice Mulford, Thoughts Are Things

Why There are Poor People and Rich People

31 May

Much of what is called the oppression of the strong over the weak, the rich over the poor, comes because so many of the poor do not aspire above a pig pen under the window, a mud puddle in the back yard, and a front garden growing tomato cans, dead cats, and old hoop skirts.

–Prentice Mulford, Thoughts Are Things

Thoughts and purpose become reality.

24 May

The mystery that whatever purpose this power within us we call mind sets itself upon, fixes itself upon persistently, that purpose it is accomplishing, that purpose it is carrying out, that purpose it is ever drawing nearer to itself, not only when we work for it with the body and the intellect but we are growing ever toward it when it seems for the time forgotten, or when we are asleep. That persistent purpose, that strong desire, that never ceasing longing, is a seed in the mind, it is rooted there, it is alive, it never stops growing… This law when known, followed out, and trusted, leads every individual to mighty and beautiful results. This law, followed with our eyes open, leads to more and more happiness in life, but followed blindly, involuntarily with our eyes shut, leads to misery. 

Prentice Mulford 

Low Thought Current and its Affects

18 May

You do not realize how much you are kept from success on a lower level of life through unconsciously absorbing and being swayed or partly blinded or confused by the low thought current about you.  You accept conditions in life as a necessity, which, were your intellects keener and sharper, you could avoid.  You may not know how blind you are and what a different man or woman you might be did you see more clearly  what could injure and what could benefit you.

Prentice Mulford — Thoughts Are Things